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                                                                                        ~JULIUS CAESAR




The Junior Youth Empowerment Program was developed through a global network of organizations as a way of developing language skills, power of expression and the overall empowerment of the new generations of young people. With the means and opportunity to explore a multitude of concepts and themes, JYEP empowers the children to deal with the complexities of life, combat negative social forces, and become active agents of social change. A major element of the JYEP is the selfless acts of service or “service projects” that are aimed at helping the community in whatever way possible. This plays a vital role in assisting the Junior Youth to apply what they’ve learnt into meaningful action to positively impact the lives of others around them.

Following this, I lead the JYEP animators (volunteers) of senior section ,with the guidance of Mrs. Rubina and Mrs. Niruda – my JYEP instructors , to start the HELPING HANDS Program. These were Tutorial sessions where the animators helped their juniors in the preparation of upcoming Examinations. This program turned out to be very helpful to students as alongside animators, who worked really hard,  students too actively took part in the sessions. It was  largely due to this enthusiasm of kids that sometimes the sessions continued for more than two hours. I feel another major reason behind the success of this program was that juniors were more open to their seniors and hence Helping Hand provided them an environment where they were comfortable in clearing their doubts without any hesitation.

HELPING HAND assisted me in increasing my competence in various aspects. Since I was the one leading, I had to handle all sorts of issues – from making the schedule of the sessions, sharing it with students to arranging study materials to ensuring that both the tutors and the students were not facing any difficulty in communication. From these I developed the important skills such as Time-management, Organizational skill, Prioritizations and Decision-making. I also learnt skills like Team building and motivating which were sometimes required when the animators also had some personal works to do and at that same time their presence was also very necessary. The tutorial sessions were held online, hence quite a couple of times animators couldn’t join the link on time. due to technical faults, so I had to interact with the juniors so as to ensure that they remained focused and enthusiastic. Through this I acquired communication skills.

Besides HELPING HAND, I sometimes accompanied my fellow batchmates to moral teaching classes and did some interactive activities, like Career Ladder, with the students of primary sections. One of the most interactive activities was Career Ladder Activity. In Career Ladder activity we asked the kids to make a ladder and fill the blanks between the steps of ladder with the profession they want to join in future. We then asked them to write down what all skills, knowledge and experience they require for that profession. As expected, most of the kids came up with some or the other profession. But very few of them knew what they had to do to join that profession. We then helped them explore their path of what they need to learn, which course they need to pursue etc. Hence through activities like these we tried encouraging the students to think about their future and tried to introduce them to the world of possibilities which they never thought of before.



Being a nature lover, with the help of my family I started environmental sustainability campaign in my community. We started this initiative in 2019 during the monsoon season and donated 200 tree saplings among my community members in India. In order to encourage more and more people to plant trees I also came up with a slogan, ” Buy 5 Tree Saplings, plant 3 and donate the rest.” By doing these not only I got closer to people in my community but also paved the path for environmental sustainability in my area.


The first wave of COVID-19 badly affected the lives of those people who depended on daily wages. COVID-19 had just been introduced to the world, their were no vaccines hence people, in general, were very afraid and avoided making contacts with anyone. As a result, the ones affected with COVID-19 were helpless. I used to see many household helpers in my neighborhood use to go from house to house asking for help of any kind so as to support their family. To help these people, I discussed the idea of Food and Clothes Donation Drive with my parents. With their help I started this Drive. With my mother, we distributed jute sacks, containing food and other items of daily needs, to household helpers of our area in the city to support them. I also assisted my grandfather and acted as a helping hand to 20 people of my village. These people were elders, disabled, or had lost their source of living due to pandemic. We provided them clothes, food, and financial aid for other basic necessities. With the help of my family, we did this periodically throughout the pandemic.


Magner, is the Magazine Club of my high school – City Montessori School. It was founded by my batchmates during the pandemic when classes were being conducted online. The club conducted sessions weekly in which they introduced us to Filmora and Canva. It’s sessions were very helpful in learning the tools of both, I really liked their way of learning in which they introduced tools by showing their use which was better than just letting us know what can be done using it.

Before joining this club, I had heard of this tools but was not that good at creating. The club helped me polish my skills in editing. I was always motivated by the submission of people during the monthly competitions which the club conducted and I believe this is what always encouraged me to do better. I used my editing skills of Canva to create various posters promoting and creating awareness about various issues of utmost importance, which are unfortunately still neglected by some sections of society, such as Gender Equality, Racial Injustice in Education and Bullying.  





Sports has always been very close to my heart. Unlike majority of Indian parents, my parents give equal importance to sports and education.  From the early days of my life, they have always encouraged me to continue sports, be it any. We share a common believe that sports help a lot in personality and character development as the person learns discipline, spirit of Sportsmanship, becomes mentally and physically stable, develops leadership traits ,and many more, which are the essential components.


Like any other Indian kid, this is the first sport which I started playing. When I was 5-6 years old, I use to play it with maa in a park nearby. As the time passed by, I formed a friend circle with whom I use to play cricket till I reached standard sixth, when I dropped it and started playing Badminton.  Till standard sixth, due to less workload from school, I use to play cricket every day. During summer breaks, I remember once I used to play cricket in a park near by from 1 pm, after lunch, till 7 pm, until my mom would come to take me back, for 10 consecutive days with my friends. I rarely played cricket after standard sixth till 2019. When the pandemic came in 2020, all the facilities were closed on health grounds and hence I couldn’t play Badminton, which was played indoor. I had gotten bored by staying  at home during lockdown, therefore when the lockdown was lifted in October 2020 I started playing cricket with my friends from my school. We used to play on Sundays mostly in morning. I remember sometimes maa use to warn me that I should be careful that the balance between the academics and sports is not disturbed as I would spent time calling my friends, scheduling a match or deciding the venue. I even got scolding from her sometimes due to numerous calls she would get from my friends when we use to go to play. Such was my and their enthusiasm. I never paid attention to what cricket gave to me but now when I look back, I feel it gave me some very good moments, people who are more than friends and most importantly brought positivity to my life.


Badminton is a game in which I didn’t have interest initially and I had started playing it under my parent’s compulsion. I used to play cricket till standard sixth, but it was not very regular with respect to timing. Therefore, my parents made me join Babu Banarasi Das Academy so that my time for sports was fixed and I could better utilize rest of my time. Very few people know the real reason behind me joining BBD for Badminton. BBD had facility for Tennis as well , where I had played Tennis for a brief time, hence my parents decided I should try something new and made me join Badminton. For the first two years, I didn’t like the academy much and just used to play for fitness, I think it was probably because of the gaps I used to make from time to time just to avoid it and that at that time I didn’t have a reason to play other than fitness. It was in standard eight that I met people from my school who also use to play there and we formed a friend circle. That year, I went for the selections of Inter School Badminton Competition and got selected for doubles. We later went on to win silver medal in doubles and gold in singles for our school. I was overwhelmed with this win and at moment I got my reason to continue this sport. I started practicing my skills, I used to go to academy early and come late focusing only on how I could improve my skills so as to get selected again for the Zone Tournament, scheduled later that year. Besides my silver medal in Inter School, my friends who used to give me tough competition and were also in the race for getting selected for Zone Tournament, also acted as a motivation for me. I’m sure they must have also felt the same but despite this we were always on good terms and the bond between us has only grown stronger. Badminton as a sport has given a lot to me. There was a time I was distracted, and my academics was getting affected, it was because of Badminton that I got back on track as I focused myself only on academics and Badminton and hence tried to reduce the distraction. I met two of my very close friends, who are now my extended family, due to Badminton. I still continue to play Badminton in College and polish my skills as I dream to represent UMD one day.

WhatsApp Image 2023-03-11 at 10.23.18 PM (1)
WhatsApp Image 2023-03-11 at 10.23.18 PM

I have also played sports like Basketball, Squash, Soccer, Racquetball and Tennis for brief time. I love to explore new sports and therefore when I have the opportunity, I  try a new sport. I’ve planned that before graduating from UMD I’ll definitely try and play other sports for fun, which are possible


Being a tree hugger, I used to do gardening during my free time at home. Gardening plays a major role in linking me with nature.

I have a small garden comprising twenty plants ranging from Cactus to Rose, all planted by me. Since I have a great concern for the uncontrolled use of pesticides, I prefer to grow fruit-bearing and edible plants and have numerous plants like tomato, cabbage, gourd, lemon, curry leaves, and basil, grown organically. Gardening not only provides me with fresh and healthy vegetables but also has helped me become a more creative thinker. It takes a lot of effort to grow and nurture a plant. Gardening taught me patience and made me a more responsible person.

I never knew how much a small hobby like gardening would contribute to my personality until I look back at all of it. Going to the nursery to buy saplings and choosing the best one for my garden helped me build strong judgment skills.  Exploring how deep I should be digging a hole for an ideal plant, how much water is needed to fill a watering can, deciding the planting spot for various plants vastly contributed to my decision-making and analytical understanding. With time, I became a pro at these life skills and jumped into using my creativity to decorate my garden. I even upcycled an old vessel into a water beaker for the birds flying above my garden for them to drink water from.

Gardening has greatly helped me in expressing my creative side while simultaneously creating a peaceful and healthy environment for my living. My hobby of gardening helped me learn bits of interior designing and contributed to developing a soothing atmosphere at my home. 

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