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CMSC 131

Computer Science 131 is an introduction to programming and computer science. This course emphasizes understanding and implementation of applications using object-oriented techniques. In this course I developed skills such as program design and testing as well as implementation of programs using a graphical IDE. Programming was done in Java.

CMSC 132

Computer Science 132 is an introduction to use of computers to solve problems using software engineering principles. I am learning designing, building, testing, and debugging medium -size software systems and how to use relevant tools. This course teaches us how to utilize object-oriented methods to create effective and efficient problem solutions. It also includes use and implement application programming interfaces (APIs). Programming is done in Java.



​English 101X focuses on familiarizing students with the kind of writing they will have to do in college, broadly referred to as academic writing. Inquiry, rhetoric, and conversation are the three major concerns of English 101X. Students learn how to use writing to make sense of their inquiries, consider alternate perspectives, engage audiences, and craft persuasive arguments they believe their audiences should consider. The ultimate work of the course is for students to learn how to participate thoughtfully, critically, and persuasively in academic conversations. Students not only gain the knowledge and skills to form arguments and persuade audiences, but they also learn to inquire, listen, reconsider, and reflect on an issue of their choice and their evolving positions within that issue.


It is an oral communication course. This course includes a study of how perception, self-concept, and verbal and nonverbal communications affect the communication process as it emerges in the workplace. The course provides skill training in speech writing, public speaking, group communication, interpersonal communication, listening, and responding.


​“Technology and Consequence: Engineering, Ethics, Humanity” course also known as ENEE200 helps students who wish to explore and assess the impact of engineering technology on society and the role of society in generating that technology. Students pursuing this course become capable to make informed, ethical choices through recognizing and critically analyzing the ethical problems confronting those involved in developing, implementing, and using engineering technologies.



“Entrepreneurial Opportunity Analysis and Decision-Making in 21st Century Technology Ventures” also known as ENES210 is a multi-disciplinary course which helps students learn the principles of entrepreneurial opportunity analysis and decision-making in an increasingly dynamic and technically-inclined society. Emphasis is placed on how aspiring technology entrepreneurs can develop their entrepreneurial perspectives to develop winning entrepreneurial plans for their future ventures.

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